What to eat after teeth whitening?

Eat after teeth whitening
It is recommended that you pay attention to what you eat and drink for a few days following the professional teeth whitening process that you have had at the specialist dentist in the dental clinic.

Eat after teeth whitening

It is recommended that you pay attention to what you eat and drink for a few days following the professional teeth whitening process that you have had at the specialist dentist in the dental clinic. In this period, it is emphasized that the first 48 hours are more important. Due to the sensitivity of the dentin layer in teeth that become more sensitive after teeth whitening, we need to pay attention to food and beverages. Especially for sensitive teeth, we should avoid icy and hot drinks. Care should be taken to ensure the drinks are at the appropriate temperature, especially in the first few days.

What is the White Diet?

A white diet involves paying attention to food and drinks after teeth whitening. It is crucial to avoid colored and acidic beverages such as colored foods, cola, coffee, tea, and red wine, which will discolor our teeth. In this white diet process, we must show the sensitivity necessary to preserve our teeth’ whiteness for a long time.

Foods and drinks to avoid after teeth whitening

Imagine you had a successful teeth whitening operation. It is up to you to ensure that this lasts. As a result, your teeth whiteness will not last forever, but if you want maximum performance, it is essential to follow expert opinions. Below is a list of foods and beverages that should not be consumed for a certain period after the bleaching process.

  • Cola
  • Wine
  • Sugary foods and drinks
  • Coffee-tea
  • cigarette
  • Food-dyed foods
  • Fruit juice
  • Dark-colored fruits such as cherries, cherries, blackberries
  • Chocolate
  • Curry sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • Foods and beverages with high color pigmentation
  • Chewing gum
  • Jellied foods
  • Vinegar

Foods and drinks that we can consume after teeth whitening

Your teeth are as white as you desire, and you can enjoy your wonderful smile. All that remains is to maintain your diet. Although there are foods that should be avoided for a certain period, we need food to continue our eating habits. We have prepared an excellent list for you. Our given consumption list includes foods that most people consume in their daily routine life. When you take the necessary care, the energy your white teeth will spread around you will last longer.

  • The fish
  • Grain foods
  • Banana
  • Yogurt
  • Feta cheese
  • Chicken
  • Milk and dairy products, provided that they are colorless
  • Potato
  • White wine
  • Cauliflower
  • Rice
  • Egg white
  • Plenty of water

How long should I be careful about eating and drinking after teeth whitening?

This period is generally accepted as 48 hours or, in some cases, 72 hours. Time is recommended to protect our teeth, which become sensitive after the bleaching process, against color changes. Remember that we must be careful about our eating and drinking during this time.

Advice for professional teeth whitening

Our Yamandent dental clinic is always with you with the experience of the past. With our professional staff, we have the knowledge to do the teeth whitening treatment in the best way. During your research, you should choose the most suitable dental clinic by researching the patient satisfaction rates in the previous whitening applications. Thus, you can achieve the desired pleasant-looking teeth whitening with the Office-type teeth whitening application. If you prefer a home application, you will see the necessary information in our earlier article series. Do not hesitate to call our clinic for more detailed information.

Yamandent wishes you healthy and happy smiles.

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