Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

Side Effects of Teeth Whitening and How to Manage Them

In this content, we will tell you all the details you need to know about the side effects of teeth whitening. We will also explain which side effects are typical and which are not and when to seek professional help. The occurrence and severity of bleaching teeth side effects vary from person to person. However, you need to know about every side effect. Let’s continue our article by explaining how teeth whitening is done.

How is Teeth Whitening Done?

Teeth whitening is a procedure that the patient can do at home as well as under the supervision of a dentist in the clinic. However, if you are going to do teeth whitening at home, you should obtain do-it-yourself model kits from the dentist. Let’s talk about the whitening process that takes 60 minutes in the clinic within the scope of the side effects of teeth whitening subject:

  • First, the dentist makes a record of the current shade of the patient’s teeth for teeth whitening before and after.
  • Then the dentist uses pumice to clean the surface of the patient’s teeth from plaque.
  • Also, the dentist isolates with gauze to keep the patient’s teeth dry.
  • A barrier is then placed along the gum line to protect the gum from irritation.
  • Then the dentist coats the front surface of the teeth with the whitening solution. The solution is typically hydrogen peroxide as the bleaching agent.
  • The peroxide can be activated with a curing light or laser teeth whitening.
  • When the customized optimum shade is reached, the teeth are rinsed. A fluoride application can also be used to help alleviate any tooth sensitivity.

What are the Possible Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?

Although teeth whitening are a procedure with satisfactory results for most patients, it has some side effects. The bleaching solution used to brighten your smile may cause sensitivity in some patients. Some of the side effects of teeth whitening are as follows:

  1. If the patient already has sensitive teeth and feels pain when eating certain foods, discomfort and pain may be felt when the solution is applied to the surface of the teeth.
  2. After the whitening procedure, the patient is sensitive to hot and cold foods or beverages.
  3. Freshly whitened teeth may feel like a mini electric shock or tingling. This may be a side effect of the whitening agent.
  4. Teeth bleaching can cause inflammation of the pulp of the tooth if the patient has cracks in the teeth.
  5. The patient must be very careful not to swallow the bleaching agent during the procedure. If the bleach is swallowed, it will cause irritation to the throat and stomach.

These side effects subside within 48 hours after bleaching. In addition, it is necessary to talk to the dentist about what needs to be done to reduce these side effects of teeth whitening.

How to Manage Side Effects after the Treatment?

It is necessary to inform the dentist about the ongoing tooth sensitivity problem. Thus, the dentist recommends products such as special toothpaste that will reduce the risk of sensitivity after tooth bleaching and increase the patient’s comfort during the procedure.

It is good to use sensitive toothpaste when there is an increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods or drinks after whitening. The patient should note the time of the tingling sensation that may occur after tooth bleaching. Then, the patient should share this follow-up process with the dentist and ask for help to solve the problem.

If the bleaching solution irritates the gums or any point on the patient’s face, the dentist should be notified immediately. In addition, the irritated area should be washed with plenty of water.

If you want to learn more about teeth whitening side effects and how much does teeth whitening cost, we recommend that you contact Yaman Dent Clinic. Yaman Dent teeth whitening dentist, will help you to plan a consultation about this procedure. While there are some common side effects of teeth whitening, don’t let that get in the way of your smile.


How do I take care of my teeth after whitening?

Avoid coffee and tea, and don’t use dark sauces as they stain teeth. Chocolate stains teeth. Ask your dentist which chocolate to consume to minimize this situation. Oranges, lemons, or other citrus fruits are acidic. Avoid these acidic foods. Floss the teeth to maintain the whiteness. Brush the teeth with whitening toothpaste twice daily to avoid side effects of teeth whitening. Consume clear alcoholic drinks. After the procedure, go to the dentist periodically and continue your checkups.

What are the do’s and don’ts after teeth whitening?

Avoid certain foods & beverages such as tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, curry & colorful spices, wine, energy drinks, chocolate & sweets. Stay away from old toothpaste, and brush the teeth regularly. Use straws to avoid staining. Use the home whitening kit provided by the dentist and stop smoking. Rinse with water after consuming any food that may stain the teeth.

How long does it take to recover from teeth whitening?

After this cosmetic dentistry procedure, the patient may feel sensitive to hot and cold liquids due to the side effects of teeth whitening. Also, some discomfort may be felt if the teeth are exposed to cold air. However, the sensitivity caused by teeth bleaching should go away within 24 to 48 hours.

Can I eat after my whitening?

After the bleaching process, you should not consume dark foods and drinks. After the procedure is applied, some time is required for the pores of the teeth to close. These pores will remain open for a few hours after the whitening process. For this reason, if the teeth come into contact with dark foods and drinks, they will be much more likely to be stained.

What are the after effects of teeth whitening?

Potential side effects in removing stains and whitening the teeth; include gum irritation, tooth sensitivity, and ineffective results. But Yaman Dent Clinic’s professional dentist will treat in a way that minimizes the risk.

Check out the teeth whitening before and after photos of Yaman Dent Clinic within the scope of the side effects of teeth whitening subject. As a result, the patient does not experience any significant side effects of professional teeth whitening.

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